So cool!!! I crossed a border during my last flight. I went to Belgium.
My last flight did check few requirements from the my aeroclub and EASA flight training. The EASA requirement is to practice radio navigation. Being able to track VOR/DME and GNSS tracks in order to get more familiar with cross-country navigation tools. The aeroclub requirement is to have flown abroad to at least three airport before presenting your final. This flight did check one by going from Eindhoven to Antwerpen.
The other mark this flight crossed is my 40th hour of flight time. With the minimum EASA requirement being 45 hours. That means the final exam is in sight.
I got lucky enough to have Albert, another student pilot, shooting a video when I returned back. He was waiting for the aircraft to do his own lesson.
On a sidenote I had a look at cloudahoy as a debrief tool. I need to dive more but it looks quite interesting. Below is a capture of the flight path.