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Category Ben is flying

Ben flying activities

Proud to release my X-Plane Garmin G5 on github

It’ve done it. After a couple of week on work on my G5 UI, I release the application. It is finally available on github. Thanks to gihub actions, it’s also automatically available on pipy. I’m not sure the pyG5 is… Continue Reading →

Amazing To Pass The Thirty Flight Hours Mark

Story of the flight bringing me over the 30 hours flight time mark.

Forced and precautionary landing in Gouda’s low flying zone

Nothing to illustrate this one. No pictures, no footage, just some memories. This was the second part of the forced landing combined with the precautionary landing. What are my take on this one: It was quite fun to be able… Continue Reading →

First Solo flight memorabilia

A bit out of order, a picture from the day of my first solo flight. A week later I received my trophy

Passenger ride in PH-COP (TB10)

It was pretty cool to get a passenger ride in the TB-10. One of my flight instructor wanted to do some air-work as an instructor demonstrating procedure to student pilot. I sat in the left seat and got a really… Continue Reading →

Great first solo flight away from the airport

Story Today was a big step in my pilot life. I got fly solo away from the airport to train steep turns. It was a lot of fun. I believe procedures were pretty spot on . Appart from switching the… Continue Reading →

Ben is flying

Last Sunday I took my second solo flight. I did four touch & go before calling it a day. This was after seven loops with my flight instructor. A short footage of that is here

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